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Guidelines for Handling Emergencies



This webpage was made to guide faculty members, staff and students of the Institute of Biology in the event of an emergency. The contents of this page, along with good judgement and common sense, are designed to prevent injuries and address emergencies within the institute. In case of an emergency, always call and seek assistance to relevant offices and officers:


Bureau of Fire Protection

(02) 492-7576 

(02) 924-1922

(02) 928-8363

(02) 931-9894


Metro Manila Bomb Squad

(02) 436-0948

(02) 924-3101


University Health Services

(02) 981-8500 local 111


UP Police

(02) 928-3615 local 113

(02) 981-8500 local 4008


Administrative Officer

Noel A. Lumbre

(0915) 890-7358


Biosafety Officer

Gil M. Penuliar

(0905) 321-9236


Building Administrator 

Ramon M. Bandong

(0918) 569-8688


In case of an emergency faculty and staff members should be prepared to direct students to follow evacuation plans, and under no circumstances, should they place themselves or students at risk. All emergency should be reported to the Directors and Administrative Officer. 



General Evacuation Plan


In the event of fire, bomb threat, and other emergencies that require evacuation, the fire alarm will be activated. Everyone should stop their activity and leave their rooms and the building in an orderly manner, following the emergency escape route posted by the door of each room. Last person to leave the room should close the door. 





























All gates will be opened to allow everyone to leave the building. Three evacuation areas have been identified in case of an emergency: (1) IB Gazebo, (2) IB Parking lot, and the (3) INMBB Parking lot. Faculty members should make a quick count when they reach the evacuation area. Any student unaccounted for should be reported to the Director and Administrative Officer immediately. Do not return to the building unless authorised by relevant emergency response team. 



Fire Emergency


The Institute of Biology is equipped an audible alarm system and each room is provided with a fire extinguisher for Class A, B, and C fires, smoke detectors, and an overhead fire sprinkler system. In the event of a fire, the following steps should be taken:


Small fires


1. Use the fire extinguisher in the room to control the fire

2. To use the fire extinguisher, remember PASS

P - Pull the pin

A - Aim at the base of the fire

S - Squeeze the handles

S - Sweep from side to side

3. Once the fire has been controlled, report the incident to the Administrative Officer















Large fires


1. Contain the fire by closing all doors as you leave

2. Activate a fire alarm pull station

3. Report the fire to the IB Administration Office, who will call the Bureau of Fire Protection

4. Perform the General Evacuation Plan


IMPORTANT! If the fire occurs after office hours, immediately report to the security personal on duty and contact the Bureau of Fire Protection.





Earthquakes are difficult to predict, and if it occurs while you are in the institute, the following steps should be undertaken:


Inside the building


1. Remain calm

2. Do not exit the room or building

3. Drop, cover under a desk or table, and hold you position  

4. Stay away from glass windows, shelves and heavy equipment

5. Exit the building only after the shaking has stopped

6. Follow the General Evacuation Plan
















If you are outside the building  


1. Do not panic

2. Move away from buildings, utility poles and other structures that might fall or collapse

3. If your are in a vehicle, stop in an open area away from power lines and trees



Biological spills


Biology and microbiology students often handle cultures of bacteria and fungi for their lab activities and thesis. In the event of a biological spill, the following steps should be undertaken:


1. Post signs and keep individuals not involved in the clean-up away from the area

2. Wear disposable gloves, eye protection and a lab coat

3. Remove sharps from the spill area using forceps or tongs

4. Cover the spill with paper towels or any absorbent material

5. Pour freshly prepared 1:10 dilution of bleach on the paper towel.

6. Allow 20 minutes for the bleach to decontaminate the spill

7. Use additional paper towels to wipe the spill

8. Flood the affected area again with bleach and let stand for 20 minutes 

9. Use paper towels to wipe the bleach

10. Transfer all used paper towels in a labeled plastic bag for proper disposal.

11. Wash your hands with soap and water


IMPORTANT! If someone has been splashed with biological material, immediately disinfect the affected area with 70% ethanol and seek assistance with the University Health Services.




















Chemical spills


Biology and microbiology students sometimes handle chemicals for their lab activities and thesis. In the event of a chemical spill, the following steps should be undertaken:


1. Post signs and keep individuals not involved in the clean-up away from the area

2. Wear disposable gloves, eye protection and a lab coat

3. Remove sharps from the spill area using forceps or tongs

4. Cover the spill with paper towels or any absorbent material

5. Use additional paper towels to wipe the spill

6. Flood the affected area again with water and use paper towels to wipe the area clean

7. Transfer all used paper towels in a labeled plastic bag for proper disposal

8. Wash your hands with soap and water


IMPORTANT! If someone has been splashed with chemical, immediately flush the affected area with water for at least 15 minutes, and seek assistance with the University Health Services.
















Physical and Medical Emergency


If physical and medical emergency such as falling, injury, animal bites, seizure, fainting, and heat exhaustion occur within the institute, the following steps should be undertaken:


1. Report the incident to the IB Administration Office and to any licensed medical professional available

2. Seek assistance to the University Health Services. 


IMPORTANT! If the person struck their head or hurt their neck or back, do not attempt to move them. Keep them company and comfortable while waiting for the medical personnel to arrive. Individuals with appropriate training may volunteer to provide basic first aid if needed.  



Hostage Situations


In the event of a hostage situation, the following steps should be undertaken:


1. Move yourself and others to a safe location

2. Report the incident to security personnel and the IB Administration Office

3. Call the UP Police


IMPORTANT! If you are the victim, it's important that you keep calm and follow directions; do not speak unless spoken to; do not volunteer information; and be patient and observant, unless the police arrives.




Violent Situations


If acts of violence and criminal activity are committed within the institute, or if someone is seen with a deadly weapon, the following steps should be undertaken:


1. Do not become involved. 

2. Move yourself and others to a safe location

3. Report the incident to security personnel and the IB Administration Office

4. Call the UP Police


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